Amputation case studies – Hugh James Top 100 UK Law Firm Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:41:28 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Amputation case studies – Hugh James 32 32 Teenage lower leg amputee becomes youngest in UK to have specialist osseointegration surgery Thu, 22 Feb 2024 11:35:53 +0000 Amputation of upper limb results in record compensation award Thu, 22 Feb 2024 09:47:35 +0000 Delay in treating leg injury results in amputation for young man Tue, 01 Nov 2022 09:23:24 +0000 Motorcyclist injured in road traffic accident receives over £4 million in compensation for clinical negligence. In April 2015, Matthew, then aged 21, was involved in a road traffic accident when he lost control of his motorcycle and crashed. There was a delay in diagnosing and treating this condition and the lower leg could not be saved. Matthew underwent a right below knee amputation in August 2015. As a result of the injury, Matthew was unable to take up a Sports Degree at University or to pursue a career as a teacher.

Failure to diagnose and treat vascular injury resulting in a through knee amputation Sun, 30 Oct 2022 15:50:36 +0000 In 2017, Adam, then aged 24, was involved in an accident and suffered a traumatic dislocation of his right lower leg and damage to his popliteal artery. Paramedics provided initial treatment at the scene but failed to adequately assess Adam’s distal pulse. Had they done so, they would have discovered Adam’s distal pulse was absent.

Woman has leg amputated and receives over £1 million Sat, 22 Oct 2022 14:19:02 +0000 After being diagnosed with compartment syndrome, Janet endured a same-day above knee amputation. Janet was 64 when she underwent a total left knee replacement at a private Manchester hospital which was arranged and funded by the NHS.

£4m for boy who had leg amputated after being electrocuted Sat, 22 Oct 2022 14:18:52 +0000 When he was 13 years old, Jake was out fishing on land owned and occupied by the Defendant Council. As he threw the fishing rod out, electricity from the overhead electricity lines or pylon arced across Jake’s extended fishing rod and electrocuted him.
